Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1, 2, 3 fun!

From the children of MD Anderson art project. I love this book. When we come to the page with the piggies mommy takes my finger and points at the piggies saying, "three pink piggies, one, two, three!" The colors are all so pretty and I love the drawings. Especially the four puppies in tow. And Mommy says "five bees buzzzzzzzzing everywhere" as she buzzes my belly. When we get to the end of the book mommy tickles my belly when she says "ten buttons you can see, five on her" and then she tickles her own belly and says "and five on me!" And then together we put our hands in the air and say "hooray! We can count to ten today!". I make mommy read this book over and over.


This is Courtney. I've decided to create a separate blog for books I've read and want to give a review of. And I got to thinkng...Elayna loves to read and she already has strong opinions on books. So I figured it would be fun to give her opinions in what I imagine is her point of view for other parents. And who knows, maybe one day she'll be out here doing the reviews herself!